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Metals Drive

Greetings, Instrumental Students and Families, Thank you to those of you who signed up on the Google Form to help on Saturday! We are still in need of many, many student volunteers to help make this event successful. Right now, we have ten orchestra students signed up and five band students. This is a HUGE event …

Spring Concerts

We are excited that we can host a live concert in May as we previously noted in our last communication. Our concert dates and times have been updated as follows: Tuesday, May, 18thJazz Ensemble: 6:30 pm start timeFreshman Band and Symphonic Band combined concert: 7:30 pm start time (change from previous email communication – please …

Band Bunch Spirit Wear

Hey Band Bunch, Families and Friends, As the cold weather approaches we are pleased to be launching an awesome online spirit wear store.  We have selected a wide variety of styles, fabrics and price points for your shopping convenience.  Please place your order by the store close date, October 24th, and we will make every …

Important Rome Updates

Hello Rome Families! Several reminders and announcements for you! 1.) Our next Rome rehearsal is on November 18th from 6-7:30pm. Please make sure your student is practicing this music at home and has cleared their schedule to be available for this as it is our final rehearsal. 2.) As we had you reserve December 9th as an …