February, 2019
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are very excited to announce our District Solo and Ensemble Festival date of Saturday, March 16, 2019. On this day, we have hundreds of performances by the 7th – 12th grade Band, Orchestra and Choir students. At the festival, students perform for a judge, get critiqued and are provided with suggestions on how to improve their performance. This event, while incredibly valuable, requires a tremendous amount of parent volunteer help.
The music department is hoping you will commit to either a half-day or a full-day of volunteering. A final schedule will be emailed to you by March 8th. Substitutes will be available so you can see your child’s performance. There will also be a meeting at 7:30am for AM helpers and at 12:00pm for PM helpers (you will not need to attend both). It is critical you are at that meeting in order for us to communicate your responsibilities and any last minute changes.
In addition, we are accepting cash donations for the judge’s lunch and supplies (pencils, envelopes for the festival, signage, etc). Please complete the form below to contribute. Return this form to your child’s music teacher by February 20th. You can expect to hear from me by Friday, March 8th, 2019 with a final schedule. If you do not hear from me, please feel free to email or call North Middle School.
Lonna Schickert & The Music Department
Music Department Manager
946-2262 Voicemail 255.8450 ext. 7147 schilon@sdmfschools.org