Band and Orchestra Orlando Trip Announcement 

During spring break, the instrumental music ensembles at Menomonee Falls High School enjoyed a fantastic week in Orlando, Florida. 207 students and chaperones enjoyed the Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Great weather and great fun was enjoyed by all. Four different instrumental ensembles were invited to perform at Festival Disney. The MFHS Freshman Band, Symphonic Band and String Orchestra performed for critiques from three top adjudicators. The three ensembles performed brilliantly and were given a clinic, written and recorded feedback.

The Menomonee Falls Wind Symphony performed in the competitive category. Ensembles in the competitive category could receive ratings of good, excellent or superior. 54 ensembles from around the country performed and received point totals of 0-100. Most schools received scores in the excellent (75-89) range. Only six bands received Superior (90-100) ratings. The MFHS Wind Symphony scored 91.5 and will receive a Superior Trophy. Schools were also ranked by school size. Menomonee Falls ranked as a AAA school and the Wind Symphony was the highest ranked school in the AAA division. Scores were totaled and awards were given regardless of school size. We are proud to announce that the Menomonee Falls Wind Symphony received the Bronze award for their performance!

Of all schools participating in Festival Disney, Menomonee Falls had the largest number of student participants. The school and community should be proud of the musical performances and behavior of our students. Both were first rate. Thank you for all of your support in helping our program continue the tradition of excellence!


John Woger and Meredith Spencer