The Band Bunch supports the band and orchestra programs in Menomonee Falls by
organizing volunteers for music related events and raising funds for scholarships and equipment. As parents of a band or orchestra student, you are a member of the Band Bunch.
To support the program, we encourage you to become a patron. As a patron, your name will be listed at all concerts. We also encourage you to ask your employer to match your tax deductible contribution to the Band Bunch.
Donations need to be received by the end of October to be acknowledged at the first set of concerts.
To have your name listed at our concerts, you have the following options for payment:
- Online payment (Click here or scan the QR code)
- Options:
- Bronze Baton (Up to $49)
- Silver Baton ($50-$99)
- Gold Baton ($100 to $249)
- Platinum Baton ($250 to $499)
- Conductor ($500 to $999)
- Maestro ($1000 and over)

Purchases made in the last few years to support the band and orchestra programs:
- Awarded scholarships to graduating High School Band & Orchestra Seniors, Concerto competition winner, North students attending summer music camps, and jazz musicians participating in An Evening of Jazz
- Purchased music stands for the high school
- Purchased music stand rack for the high school
- Band Chair Storage Carts
- Registration and transportation for Sun Prairie’s Jazz Festival
Band Bunch is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a public charity exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Your contribution would be deductible to the extent provided by law. Please consult your tax advisor for more information. Thank you for considering donating to the Menomonee Falls Band Bunch, Inc. (“Band Bunch”). No goods or services would be provided in exchange for your contribution.